Monday, April 30, 2012

my understanding of the monetary issues of 19th and 20th centuries

Monetary policy was one of the most persistent and conspicuous issues of the late-19th century. It was first raised during the Civil War when the federal government suspended the gold standard and began printing and issuing paper currency (called "greenbacks") in order to help finance the extraordinary cost of the war. The greenbacks were not backed by gold or silver ("specie"), but were "fiat" money i.e., legal tender based on government decree. The policy was controversial, with critics condemning it as inflationary and unconstitutional. Supporters, however, justified it as a wartime measure that was fiscally necessary but temporary.

the New Deal

The New Deal period has been considered to be a turning point in American politics, with the President acquiring new authority and importance, and the role of government in the lives of citizens increasing. The extent to which this was planned by the architect of the New Deal, Franklin D. Roosevelt, has been greatly contested, however. Yet, while it is instructive to note the limitations of Roosevelt’s leadership, there is not much sense in the claims that the New Deal was haphazard, a jumble of expedient and populist schemes, or as W. Williams has put it, “undirected”. FDR had a clear overarching vision of what he wanted to do to America, and was prepared to drive through the structural changes required to achieve this vision.
It is worth examining how the New Deal period represented a significant departure from US government and politics up to then. From the start of Roosevelt’s period in office in 1932, there was a widespread sense that things were going to change. In Washington there was excitement in the air, as the first Hundred Days brought a torrent of new initiatives from the White House. The contrast with Herbert Hoover’s term could not have been more striking. By 1934, E.K. Lindley had already written about The Roosevelt Revolution: First Phase. Hoover, meanwhile, denounced what he saw as an attempt to “undermine and destroy the American system” and “crack the timbers of the constitution.” In retrospect, it was only a “half-way revolution”, as W. Leuchtenburg has written. Radicals have been left with a sense of disappointment at the “might have beens”, in P. Conkin’s words.
But Roosevelt never intended to overthrow the constitution, nor did he wish for an end to capitalism and individualism. He harboured the American Dream just like the millions of people who sent him to the White House a record four times. That, indeed, was precisely why they loved him so much: because the American Dream had turned sour in the Great Depression, and they trusted that he would be able to find a way back towards it. As Europe gave in to totalitarianism, the New Deal set out to show that democratic reform represented a viable alternative.
Roosevelt’s enthusiasm for his role as head of state established a new convention that the President would lead from the front, and in his First

Arguments in Cinderella Man

in Cinderella man James and Mae (the main characters) they have many arguments of keeping the children and if they can support themselves. then the arguments of James fighting again due to his broken hand, but needs to fight to make money to live. this is relevant due to that everyone had to do something to support there family and even had to give there children to other family members to feed clothe and educate the children

Complex Social Influences

"The Cinderella Man is a movie based on a true story during the Great Depression in New Jersey. The movie portrayed many scenes that are much related to the Depression period. In September 25, 1929, just 1 month from Black Tuesday, James J. Braddock was living in style, big bucks to earn, he lived in a house, had a lot of jewelry on his cub board, and other valuables. The Roaring twenties looked fun but that was just a small vacation from the Depression. Four years into the Depression, which the Depression was likely caused by the Stock market crash of October 29, 1929, Braddock’s life has very much changed, he now lives in a basement, has not much stuff since 4 years back. One day when his youngest daughter of three children woke up, she was hungry, her mother, Mae, served her a little slice of steak with some milk but she was still hungry, her mother said, “Sorry, honey we have to save some for the boys.” I think this is an important quote that describes most of the families’ reactions if a question about having more food, during the Depression"

In Cinderella Man there are many social influences of  this historical event. such as lack of money, food, ability to support the family. the information above describes how not only the life of James J. Braddock but life's of almost everyone in the United States at this time during the Great Depression.

these websites have actuality of unemployment in the United States during the Great Depression
besides just James losing his job and all his money there where many people that lost lots in the great depression.